Posts in Speakers
Daniel Hagen

In 2003 Daniel Hagen was radically born again and saved out of the fake life of ‘sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll’. Soon after this experience his band was offered a six figure record deal but was told that “this industry is full of drug dealers and pimps so you need to stop talking about Jesus and stop singing about Jesus if you want any more funds invested into the band.” Daniel declined their offer and soon began his new mission to be an authentic representation of the person of Jesus in everything that he said and did.

Not long after, he began leading evangelism street teams, radically demonstrating God’s love, power and truth of His Word. In late 2007 Daniel was released through the ministry that he served under to plant Churches. For the 5 years following that he and his wife, Chelsea, planted and oversaw a number of Churches throughout Queensland and Victoria. After serving faithfully under this ministry for 8 years God called Daniel and Chelsea to pioneer and oversee Fire Church Ministries.

Daniel now is invited to minister to the wider body of Christ and loves and appreciates every opportunity he gets to demonstrate the love and power of God. ‘Signs and wonders following’ have ear marked their ministry and Daniel has a passion to see every Christian experiencing an intimate, passionate relationship with God, knowing who they are in Christ, being a ‘doer’ of the Word and representing Christ where ever they are.

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